
There is a lot that goes on in my head. If one could take a trip into my head, one would see a mind filled with representations of love, passion and even fear. Writing enables me to put those feelings into words. I am passionate and I exude passion in everything I do for better or worse. At the end of the day, I am just a being trying to make my stamp in this world. 


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Voice Overs


I have a Masters degree - an MBA (Master of Business Administration). I also have a Bachelor's degree in Journalism with English Literature.


I have not had experience in the movie industry but I worked in Punch Newspapers for about 9 months as part of my national service. I worked as a correspondent and interviewed a lot of prominent people in Nigeria including people that work in the industry. I also wrote consistently for the Health and Relationships features of the Sunday punch paper. I own a personal blog that I have run for 6 years. I also volunteered in Tanzania two years ago for about two weeks where I interviewed other volunteers for the company's blog. I have also done voice-overs for a cartoonist that was producing animation videos for children. 


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