
Passionate about my work. When it comes to work (that i have independently chosen), my passion naturally flows thus triggering motivation and hard work. Even at an early age, my love for film (acting) got me to participate in school dramas and Music, Dance and Drama competitions.

In 2016, i joined a film group, Gift Genesis that's here in Uganda from which i learnt a grain in acting but it lost track but that didn't stop me from looking for other ways.

I have also gone ahead to watch videos on YouTube from professional actors and actresses like Robert Downey Jr, Leonardo Di'Caprio to mention but a few; how i can be a great actor and also understand what acting is. Which theories I convert into action when am alone or with fellow actors.

Self Driven and ambitious. My target is to be on an international platform in the field of acting so this pushes me to get all tricks to make it in the film industry. Challenges are looked at as waves on an ocean; fun moments.

Results oriented. Once given a task, I make sure I produce high quality results because every task has a goal to achieve so I base on that.

Engaged and Organized. I love working with people and this means giving all my attention to what is before me which i make sure I clear up because once I have a lot before me, It becomes stressing thus resulting into poor work which projects my reputation as incompetent. Therefore whatever meeeting am in for, I take notes, contribute where necessary and make sure I beat deadlines.

Inquisitive. My desire to know everything in this world (which is impossible) makes me thirsty for knowledge so for the sake of understanding something and not just for the sake of doing it, I will ask reasons why something is done and in other fields, I would want to know how things run.

Multi-tasked. Operating in one field is boring to me yet it is advisable to be equipped with more than two skills; also it multi-tasking keeps my brain active.

Everything about film uncontrollably captivates my eye so where there is a chance, I go, either to learn or get a chance.


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Voice Overs


At the moment am pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Journalism and Communication (majoring in Journalism) at Uganda Christian University, the main branch in Mukono; expected to graduate in October, 2019.


My experience in the film industry is not at a professional level but I have experience as an actor especially on stage; I have a 10 years experience which i got from school (High school and primary school) and recently in 2016, I happened to relate with professionals who signed me up but later group died out;

My recent involvement in film/drama was at university in a class drama which was an assignment and also radio dramas, assigned as course work to us.

So my involvement in this aims at building my career in film industry, world wide.


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