
Accountant, Writer.

Married, 3 Wonderful kids.

Creating diverse worlds, robust characters, plots and seeing a script take beautiful shape is what makes my adrenaline run!


What are you good at?


Trained Accountant

Higher National Diploma (Accountancy)


Just stepping out on the scene.

Liked and followed by over 6K people, my stories have some great reviews with most people expressing the wish to see them on film.

Already put a popular series on Social Media, the ChrisEffe Romance stories that have become a hit across the African continent.

Some of my titles include:

45 Days

Effe's catches her husband making love to her own pregnant cousin. She flees in bitter pain, straight into a taxi...not knowing the pivotal role this particular taxi driver is going to play in her shattered life! New love, pain, heartache, passion and incredible twists drives this amazing tale of love! Would be a great television series!


The Jailbird

Chris Bawa is released from prison after five years inside and finds that his bestfriend is going to marry Chris ex-wife! Abandoned by family and friends, and being pursued by a vindictive cop, Chris must clear his cobwebs, expose the evil done him, and perhaps capture the love of his life before he loses her to his once bestfriend! This story has captured many hearts across Africa, and many are those daily wishing to see in on screen! The Jailbird would make a blockbuster movie, just as the fans clamour for!


Wedding Of My Ex

Chris receives an invitation to Effe's wedding, an invitation from his boss, and once he could not refuse. Only hitch is, Effe used to be his love, a woman he loved with all his heart and had to part ways with after a series of heinous crimes she committed against him. But, with the wedding just a few hours away, Chris begins to realized just how terribly mistaken he had been Effe and, worst of all, how he much he still really loves her! With his heart tearing apart with sudden pain and remorse, will Chris be able to rid himself of the ghosts of the past and find happiness again? Get gripped by the suspense, the thrills and the incredible passion as a heart in pain tries to find redemption! This is a script for a breathtaking movie!


Rhythms of Love

He was involved in a fatal car crash, and carried to the Medicine Man in the village. Everyone thought he would die, but he survived. Only problem was, he had lost his memory completely, and only remembered that his name was Zack. The Medicine Man's daughter, Kuukuwaa, had caught the eyes of the prince, but she only had eyes for her father's patient. But who really was Zack, and what was his destiny? Mystery, passion, heartache and the joy of love makes this story another powerful epic.


Born Bad

The first time Effe met Chris Bawa, he was involved in an armed robbery! She hated him on sight, but little did she know she was going to see more of this stange man reputed to had been 'born bad' from the ! Follow their passionate story of danger, love and suspense in another classic ChrisEffe drama.




She broke off with him because she felt he was too jealous and possessive! To her, they were incompatible! But then, when another man appeared in her life, and a strange woman appeared in his, she began to realize, to her horror, that perhaps there were a few scripts she could have written differently! Incompatible, another victorious epic!


The Jailbird 2: Bawa's Law

He has been in prison for ten years, for a crime he did not commit! His younger brother has married the woman he loves above all others! His father has disowned him! Chris Bawa returens to Little Rock with only his rage, fighting skills, and fast gun at his hips! He is going to find those who framed him...and nothing will stand in his way, except perhaps the sultry, exotic beauty in town with some rather strange abilities that unnerves him so greatly. Action, revenge, love, passion and redemption drives Bawa's Law.



Password Parts 1 & 2

A roaring comedy that will keep you glued to the pages till end! He is going to get married, but he is an uncouth womanizer. When the Indian lady told him she has put a password on his manhood and that he will no longer have an with any other woman except her, he thought she was jesting! But then, horrifyingly, he finds himself in the lurch when he realizes that indeed, there is a password on his ! With his wedding looming large ahead, how is Kuntu going to tackle this issue and save himself? Get ready to laugh, cry and enjoy a roller-coaster of a ride with Password!



His code is 'love them, hit them up, and leave them.' He is not ready to love any girl. He just wants to get between their legs and take his delight! But then, a young woman takes her life after he dumps her. Only problem is, she happened to be the only daughter of a powerful, wicked, and terrifying fetish priest! Suddenly, just got real for this player! This will make you laugh, weep, and keep you on the edge of your seat and long into the night turning the pages! A great comedic script for a good movie!


The Legend Of Dayo

Spectacular adventure that is sweeping the African continent. They saw him as a blind, crippled, deaf and hunch-backed evil boy! No one knew this boy is actually a powerful prince on whose young shoulders rests the survival of the world! This is a supernatural script with incredible adventure that leaves readers breathless and panting for more!


The Second Sight

His name is Yao Boat, and his game is tight! He is rich, and incredibly handsome, and lives only for drugs and ! And he does not believe God exists...until he meets a strange black-clad man in traffic! Suddenly, Boat finds himself with a most terrifying gift: the ability to see into the spirit world where fiendish demons and horrible evil spirits run riot! Boat suddenly finds himself in a terrible situation coping with what no human should cope with...will he survive and perhaps save all of mankind? Enter the Second Sight...if you dare!



They are known as the Unblinds. They are a special crop of people able to see what happens in the dark realms, and help humans and spirits bridge an otherwise unassailable bridge! Ledi Pedi is an Unblind, and his daily fight with demons and spirits of the dead will either elevate you, or chill you to the ! Great for a Christian television series!
