
Zanele Moyo is no stranger to acting, having been initially inducted into producing, directing and acting at the tender age of 10 during which she played a lead role in a low budget short film titled “ in Mochudi” in 2005. Her growing interest in Performing Arts, fueled by her ability to impress all those who have seen her in action, led Zanele to pursue acting as a career. She has performed various roles of directing and acting in Plays such as;a stage reading in the Award winning Broadway play “Motswana” by Donald Molosi. During one of her travels to the United States of America in 2017, which coincided with the Botswana Independence celebrations, Zanele was privileged to get roles as a performing Artist for Dignitaries at the Botswana Embassy, Washington DC and the South African Food and Wine Festival - Grayhaven Winery, Virginia State. Zanele is currently a final year Student at the University of Botswana completing her Bacheclor’s Degree in Fine Arts (Theatre). Her area of study mainly focuses on; addressing gender equality, cultural reclamation by portraying the critical role of theatre and performing arts in society through staged experiences.


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Degree (in progress)


Zanele has acted in Madi-Majwana: Stories from your pocket” season5, Radio Drama (2019). Directed “Charmed” by Prof Connie Rapoo at the “Botswana Women Write Book launch at Maitisong (2019). Acted in Stage readings of award winning off- Broadway play “Motswana: Africa, Dream Again” by Donald Molosi: at Gaborone Club (2019). The privilege to travel abroad and perform at the South African Food and Wine Festival - Grayhaven Winery, Virginia State, USA as well as perform for Dignitaries at the Botswana Embassy, Washington DC, USA (2017). Zanele has appeared in several school plays such as; • “She No Longer Weeps” by Tsitsi Dangarembga • “Mirage” by FK Omoregi • “Ruined” by Selma (monologue) • St Joan (monologue)


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