
Ado Ahmad Gidan Dabino, MON, a Writer, Publisher, Film Producer/Director and Actor, he wrote so many Hausa novels, dramas and poetry. So far, he has over fifteen Hausa novels published; among which, three were translated into English. The Soul of My Heart (In Da So Da Kauna-translation) Young Women Substance Abuse and the Way Out (Translation of Mata Da Shaye-shayen Kayan Maye: Ina Mafita?) Nemesis (Masoyan Zamani-translation) and Kaico! An award-winning writer who won the 1st prize position, 2009 Engineer Mohammed Bashir Karaye Prize in Hausa Literature (Play Category). In 2014, He received Nigerian National Honour of Member of the Order of the Niger (MON). In 2018 he received Best Actor in Leading Role twice at AMMA Award Season 5 and 1st Kaduna International Film Festival, Best Producer at KILAF Film Festival, and Nominee of Best African Actor at Zuma International Film Festival Abuja, 2017, with film titled Juyin Sarauta (Palace Coup). He visited a number of countries purposely to attend seminars on scholarly writing, publishing and film production, viz: Germany, Italy, UK, France, Poland and fifteen African countries.




Professional diploma in Mass Com, BUK


25 years
