
RD Bawa is the fourth child of the house of eleven, physically challenged as a result of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, though living with Disability he is blessed with so much Abilities, that earned him the nickname ‘The CREATIVE GENIUS’ amongst friends and colleagues. A graduate of NTA Television College, a trained Writer/Director with the British Council under the ScriptNet/Connecting Futures Project tagged “REEL DIALOGUES ”. He has worked in so many places and achieved a lot, his most recent works are with Arewa24 where he served as the Executive Producer and head of Drama, also worked for the BBC Media action where he served as a writer for GGK, Also served as 'The Senior Operations Officer' OF Savannah Broadcasting Television Sokoto. He was also with Dandal Kura (USAID FUNDED RADIO PROJECT) in the Capacity of Head Producer. He served as Head of Station for Redemption Radio for a year, before resigning to follow his film dream. His recent directorial attempt "Abarwa Rai" wass screened in Film House Cinema Kano. He has a passion for developmental and enlightenment projects, as a result of that passion he was able to work on projects like ‘Shan Inna’, a documentary on Polio for UNICEF. ‘A Dawo Lafiya’ and ‘In Kaki Ji’ all radio drama’s on and Family Planning for SFH and PPFA respectively. Apart from his Writing and Directorial skills, he posses Good Communication and Powerful Oratory skills, and also a Creative Thinker.


Voice Overs


Diploma in Film and Television.


Executive Producer Arewa24 Dadin Kowa series, Writer BBC's GGK, Director British Council's Ta-Leko, Reel Visions Final Cut, NTA TVC Silence, Matashiya Productions Abarwa Rai.
