
Hi. I'm Arlindo Sobrinho I live in Benguela, Angola I finished high school in computer science at the Instituto médio Industrial of Benguela. Since I was a child I'm passionate about production so without any resources I started to make amateur videos for church and video clips for friends and over time I gained some experience and I decided to create a channel on youtube to promote my work and talk about some pretinent themes in society, I currently do videos for my channel, I make video clips and I also do videos in some events organized in my city.




High School


first I started to produce videos and today I'm more focused on editing, for editing I use Adobe premiere and sony vegas and make special effects I use Adobe after effects I have learned a lot during this time that I edit and I intend to learn more, I am currently working in Platina studio which is an audiovisual agency as a producer and publisher.
