
At the age of 57, I have enjoyed working as an Actress, teacher, Board member, Career Consultant and Youth development Programme Manager & Facilitator. I’ve worked on stage, radio, big screen and television for the past 25 years travelling to local and international festivals and locations to expand and explore my craft and skills. I’ve worked as a Radio 2000 Presenter from 9am-12pm daily on a programme called “Women on the Move”. I’ve served as a NAC Board Member from 2004-2008 with the WCCC and at a National level as the Western Cape Provincial Representative. I currently serve for a second term until 2021 on the Advisory Panel for the National Arts Council.

My work for the WCED and the various schools I’ve taught at over the past twenty-one years gave me great satisfaction to see my students progress to the next level, their gratitude was enough to carry me for the coming years ahead. I thoroughly appreciated the excitement, opportunity and support provided to me during my tenure with my current schools in and around the Western Cape. I was fortunate to continually grow as a performer and actor and when the long-term offer came for a leading support role in a Telenovela I accepted. The urgency of this decision had to be done on a first call basis, so I chose the option of going full-time with a big film company and resigned from teaching.

I remain grounded in the fact that I’ve performed excellently in my given tasks and roles and academic disciplines and have been accepted well for the roles and jobs allocated to me. I’ve recently completed work as a dubbing artist on a telenovela series for current viewing and continue with a brand new series from the same company  As a Youth Development  Programme Manager, I continue to work in a variety of skilled jobs such as proposal writing, assistant compiling documentaries,  Scriptwriting, V/O, storytelling workshops, dubbing, wardrobe radio drama and  workshop facilitator.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance during this registration process.

Yours sincerely,

Celeste M. K. Wannenburgh


Cell: 061 116 5392


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Location Scout
Voice Overs


Advanced Teacher & B Ed (HONS) Education Management Degree

Award-winning Actress

Radio Presenter

NAC Board Member/ Advisory Panel

Youth Development Programme Manager

Cultural Activist




Your Work or industry experience


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