• 18.06.2019

NBO Film Festival at Prestige Plaza in Nairobi has just two more days to go before the full screening of rich array of Pan-African films is complete on Sunday night.

  • 18.06.2019

The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), is pleased to announce that the call for cycle 2 funding applications for the 2019/20 financial year is now open.

  • 18.06.2019

South African showrunner, screenwriter, film producer, director and script editor Thandi Brewer is dead. Thandi Brewer often called the “Shonda Rhimes of South Africa” has died after losing her third battle against cancer.

  • 18.06.2019

The annual Bokeh SA International Lifestyle & Fashion Film Festival, now in its sixth year, will once again acknowledge and award local and international film talent with an informative festival…

  • 04.06.2019

The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) will honour Miloš Fikejz, respected Czech film expert in Czech, Slovak, and world cinema, columnist, librarian, encyclopaedist, and photographer who lost the fight against leukaemia this year.