Desmond Okeyo is a filmmaker who has been practicing Location Sound Recording for three years. He started off his journey from a workshop where he got an opportunity to learn filmmaking. One year later, he had the privilege of working as part of the team that produces the Maisha Magic TV series - PETE in Funzi Island, Mombasa. On the set of PETE he worked as a boom operator before working on a documentary which premiered on BBC and Showmax as well as other genres such as comedy, live broadcasts, TV commercials and feature films.

Clerick joined MTF to grow his skills and attain the status to become an African storyteller and film maker. He wants to work with professionals at MTF and in the industry to gain more experience and leverage the opportunity that the MultiChoice brand will accord him to getting closer to the Kenyan film producers. Clerick was also looking forward to collaborating with different people across East Africa to learn how other countries perceive film so as to provide him with a broader perspective towards his personal productions. 

Cesylia is a young, outspoken, free-spirited scriptwriter. She believes that there is nothing more valuable than the ability to be free and happy. This belief is what drives Cesylia to express her ideas freely through writing. 

Christopher Xavier Masalu is a 26-year-old Tanzanian who fell in love with film making while he was in grade 5. At the age of 10, he watched the movie Sister Act starring Whoopi Goldberg  and ever since has been gripped by how such a thing as film can move audiences in the way that the film moved him. It was then that he knew he wanted to become a film maker and to tell the story of Africa.

Bruno has wanted to be in the Multichoice Talent Factory for a very long time. So much so that he applied for the intake a second time when he didn’t make the cut first time round. After getting rejected in the previous application stage, he made sure that he worked on my skills while eagerly awaiting the next application cycle. When he was admitted, he was ecstatic and happy beyond measure because he knew that he was now one step closer to achieving his dreams.