
What best describes you?


Paste link to showreel / teaser


What are you good at?


What is your highest level of education? For example certificate, diploma, degree etc.


Your Work or industry experience


The UN in partnership with MTF is asking people to make the same judgement calls they’ve been applying to social distancing, to social media, and take extra care before sharing. Our Class of 2020 from Academies in Nairo, Lagos, Lusaka and Johannesburg were commissioned to create 60 seconds public service announcements (PSAs) that encourages viewers to Pause and take care before they share online or digital content. The simple act of pausing before you share can help break the chain of harmful misinformation, by disrupting the emotional response that fake news and misinformation is designed to exploit. When we pause, it gives us time to think and consider whether something is true before we share it. We want to empower everyone to help combat false information -- and COVID-19 -- by encouraging them to adopt this basic behaviour change.

UN PSAs Academy Country
Title of UN PSAs
UN Pause Campaign