Twenty-three-year-old Amarachi Nwaozuzu is a screenwriter on the rise. Based in Lagos, Amarachi has a BA degree in History and International Studies, as well as a Diploma in French, and is looking for growing her skills in screenwriting while at MTF, but also widening her understanding of film and TV.

“My dream is to make movies and writes scripts that will change the narrative”. Excited to join the second cohort of students at the MTF West Africa academy, Amarachi believes the programme will give her a platform and “an opportunity to groom my art and fulfil my dream”.

Despite expressing the challenges that filmmakers face, such as funding, lack of support and partnerships and piracy, Amarachi believes there is a lot of potential and opportunities for filmmakers. Amarachi says she hopes to bridge the gap in Africa’s video entertainment industry by “Lending my voice. My creativity. My passion. I feel like I have a quota to contribute in order to create good movies.”