Nanret Paul Kumbet, nicknamed ‘Nanee’, is a 23-year-old Nigerian born in Vom, Nigeria, and holds a BSc in Mass Communication.

For Nanret, the best thing about Africa is the strength and resilience of its people. Which is why if she could create a TV show, it would be a documentary on why Nigerians are one of the happiest people on earth, and to portray the resilient spirit of her home country's people.

As a MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy student, she hopes to gain practical and cutting edge knowledge and skills in the creative film and television industry.

While Nanret believes that the biggest challenge facing the industry is piracy, she is nevertheless interested in seeing it continue to thrive.

“I think the future of film and television is great. With proper management this industry can be a pillar for economic and social growth,” says Nanret. “As an upcoming creative I hope to learn through the MultiChoice Talent Factory how to source for production funds and partners.”

Her favourite film is Titanic, and her favourite book is Redeeming Loveby Francine Rivers. Besides film, Nanret is also passionate about photography.