To say Harare’s Yvonne Feresu is inspired by a multitude of influences, is an understatement! The 26-year-old is a copywriter; she holds a BSc Honours in Psychology from the University of Zimbabwe; she has designs on working as a creative powerhouse; and says that she might just add novelist, screenwriter, producer and perhaps even director to her list of dream jobs.

“I think every storyteller is unique, and as contradictory as that sounds, I’m no different in that regard. I’m ambitious, I don’t like putting a cap on my imagination and I often infect others with my enthusiasm. Working in the film industry, I’d like to push the boundaries as to the kind of films we could create locally,” Yvonne explains

With Americanah by CN Adichie and the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas topping her list of favourite books, and Game of Thrones stealing the show of her top TV picks, it’s hardly surprising Yvonne’s creative inspiration is a diverse mix of genres. 

“If I had the chance to create my own TV show, it would It would be a crime sci-fi series based in a futuristic, tech-advanced Africa, possibly 150-200 years from now. The series would follow a detective trying to solve what appears to be ritualistic murders but turns out to be much bigger than that. I want to paint a picture of the many possibilities available for Africa’s future with the advances in technology and green energy,” she explains.

Yvonne hopes to expand her knowledge of all aspects of filmmaking through the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Academy in an effort to build her confidence to write and produce her own films and shows.

“Africa’s creative industries have such amazing potential and room for growth. That makes me really excited,” she says. “Ultimately I want to showcase Africa’s stories through advances in technology. Mainstream gadgets are now more accessible to filmmakers with limited funding; you don’t always need a massive budget to make a fantastic film, show, documentary or docu-series. I also want to play a role in building communities of creatives at peer level that can collaborate on creative projects without needing upfront payment, trading talent, time and expertise for the same.”