The single aspect that David Sapalo believes underscores an outstanding film is the story, particularly an action-packed story. That’s most likely because the first film he ever watched when he was just eight years old was Rambo, and most likely the reason why his favourite film today is Mission Impossible and his favourite stars, Tom Cruise and Mark Wahlberg.

Hollywood blockbusters like these captured David’s attention from a young age and inspired him to pursue a career in film. After receiving a Diploma in Literature and Language in English Language from Agostinho Neto University, David went on to land a job in film, and today works as a camera and boom operator, and editor.

His ultimate dream, however, is to be a great director and producer, which is what prompted him to apply for the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Academy programme. Through his MTF experience, David hopes to gain as much experience as possible in film and TV production, and find innovative ways to support the development of the sector in Angola.

“I think one of the greatest challenges in Africa’s film and TV industry is accessing the right support, especially related to money. In addition to film, David is also passionate about music, and sings as well as plays the piano and drums.